The raw material of Monofilament Hail Nets used in the field of Agricultural Textile is 100% Polyethylene.
PE Monofilament Hail Nets are used for protection of flowers from hail hitting and heavy rains which will turn into fruit flowers during the blooming period of fruit trees in the gardens.
Stretching PE Monofilament Hail Nets on production sites is the most effective way to prevent such a damage which could lead to the product loss.
In addition, PE Monofilament Hail Nets can be used for protection from the hail like various Agricultural Areas, Greenhouses, Flower Production Facility, Vineyards and Arboriculture.
PE Monofilament Hail Nets are also preferred by business operators in order to prevent calculated hail damage that may also engage in the production of field crops.
PE Monofilament Hail Nets have also the ability to protect all crops planting area from dew, frost, and dust.
PE Monofilament Hail Nets,