Baler Twine
The raw material of Baler Twine used in the field of Agricultural and Packaging is 100% Polypropylene.
PP Baler Twine is resistant to the sun.
Agricultural: Big Square Bales – Small Square Bales – Round Bales - Hay Baling
Packaging: Sacks mouth closing and packing twines.
PP Baler Twine,
- Fibrillated.
- UV and Antioxidant treated.
- Carrying Capacity is between 65 kg and 350kg.
- PP Baler Twine is unpatched and unknotted.
- PP Baler Twine does not untie from the knot.
- PP Baler Twine has high strength.
- Can be produced in the requested color and denier.
- PP Baler Twines are shipped after the ThermoShrinked application.
- If requested, PP Baler Twines can be shipped as:
In one spool of 4 Kg - 5kg – 8kg – 9kg
Two (2) pieces put into cardboard boxes.
Two (2) pieces strapped spools.
- PP Baler Twine shipped by Pallets to Truck or Containers. All pallets secured with stretch film.